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Sandy G.



I had leg pain that kept me from even walking around the grocery store. After the first session, it was much better and now it is gone. Dr. Cecelia Gulyas doesn't just treat the pain at hand, she treats your whole body. She listens to you and makes you feel relaxed. I think she is wonderful and would highly recommend her.





Dawn S.



I typed a lovely review but can’t see it now so here goes again. I have had severe health issues since 2009 but I am doing very well as of today with the help of Dr. Cecelia Gulyas, My husband, my son and myself all see her for various reasons and are encountering life altering changes, She listens very attentively and gathers all the information very thoroughly in order to tackle your various problems. We never feel rushed or that our concerns or questions are unimportant as she is very patient and attentive to the needs of her patients. We had been to acupuncture, tm, arosti, massage, medical doctors, used prescription drugs, we have tried it all and nothing has had the miraculous effects that we are experiencing since we started acupuncture and Chinese medicine with Dr. Cecelia Gulyas. Thank you for giving us our health back we appreciate you and would recommend you highly to friends and family. We have already referred our son and daughter to you







My sister recommended AcuCare to me for carpal tunnel syndrome. The pain was keeping me up or waking me during the night. After just a few sessions my hand has improved greatly. 

During the initial visit Dr. Gulyas asked many questions to investigate my health status. I've never had the thoroughness I receive from AcuCare from any doctor before and I'm very impressed by the treatment. Because of the treatments my knees don't hurt, snap & pop much less. I have more energy and feel relaxed and calm. My anxiety and stress levels have dropped. My co-workers have noticed the change in me. 

After just five sessions, I've noticed that I've starting losing weight as well! My overall health has improved and I plan to make AcuCare a part of my health plan.

Thank you









Cecelia is the best and I highly recommend her! She takes the time to really analyze what is going on with your body then determines the best course of action. She even gives valuable advice about which foods will work best for you. It's a total personalized and customized approach. She's worked her needle magic and has improved my overall health and well-being. Some of my health issues that have improved significantly are as follows: anxiety, stress, energy level, mental outlook, menstrual cramps, headaches, heart pressure. Acupuncture is something I will continue to do for regular health maintenance. It really works!







I feel that my health is in very good hands and improving with each session I have with Dr. Cecilia. Her depth of knowledge and the care she provides are excellent. She takes her time to listen and also to explain.







I have been having chronic low back pain and sciatica for several years and had used massage and chiropractic work which would work for a short time but the pain would recur. I found Dr. G and the relief was almost immediate as I walked out her front door after the first treatment, I had to pause and realized nothing hurt , still almost pain free and am getting better than ever--thank you Cecelia-you're the best







AcuCare Acupuncture with needles it works

I had an accident back in 1996, rolled over in my vehicle and had a lot of pain from head to toe. In 2001 had surgery neck fusion and continued with pain. I have taken meds from 1996 to current and nothing has helped. I listened to my son Ryan and he suggested I go see an acupuncture to help with the pain. I continued having neck, shoulders, back pain and I now have plantar facilities on both my feet with heel spurs. I never thought I could get pain relief with all my conditions I have, but Dr. Cecilia Hsing Gulyas took me under her care and this is my third week of treatment and I have never felt better. Well she is getting my Qi, Ying/yang in balance and it worked. I have been feeling a lot better with all my treatments, no kidding. She has given me herbs and I have taken every single one. My daughter had the flu and cough spasms last week but within the 2 hours we were it was gone and her flu symptoms were gone by the time we walked out of there. She had a lot of energy and was super hungry (good sign). I am a believer of natural healing and I will be going to her instead of a doctor for my aches and pains or my medicine cabinet. My daughter & I attend her treatments every Monday. I highly recommend Dr. Cecilia Gulyas she is very professional and knowledgeable in her business.







Practitioner who is knowledgeable and caring!

I have undergone several forms of acupuncture over the years and had good results. When my usual acupuncturist retired, I was referred to AcuCare. Wow! Am I ever grateful to have found her. I have interstitial cystitis, immune system problems, chronic hives, and formidable fatigue and pain. I went to her in early Sept 2010 with a 9 day extended family trip to Disney World looming ahead of me. I had no idea how I was going to make it b/c at the time I had no energy and was overwhelmed by pain and fatigue. Well, at the end of November I took that Disney World trip and went 12 hours+ a day walking, touring, etc. and felt great the entire time. I am so thankful to Cecelia for her amazing skills. She is unlike any acupuncturist I have seen during the past 10 years.







I am a Believer

Frankly, I had not given much thought to acupuncture until I was exploring options outside of surgery. I fractured my wrist over 15 years ago and did not know it until recently when arthritis and loss of strength was settling in. It was a hairline fracture that grew worse over the years. I even was due for surgery while I started the acupuncture but cancelled the surgery after three sessions with Dr. Gulyas. 

After three sessions, acupuncture relieved my lower back pain and I started noticing differences in my wrist area. I am also taking the herbs that Dr. Gulyas formulates for me and let it be known that they are an acquired taste. The herbs are an important part of the process. Through herbs my body is also making the necessary changes it needs for healing. I just recently completed a physical and was told that my cholesterol and other levels were the best in six years. I encourage everyone to learn more or do research in acupuncture and consider it a very valid option to many of your medical needs. Dr. Gulyas is very well trained and through experience has very good insight in diagnosing patients. 

Good Health to You.







She Knows What She Is Doing!

Hello, I decided to look in to acupuncture as it is a different kind of treatment that I am use to. I have & still continue to go to a chiropractor, however I decided to try acupuncture I am so happy with my decision of choice I chose Dr. Cecilia Hsing Gulyas

She made me feel at home very comfortable and very caring, honestly I was afraid of going to a acupuncture I was afraid of having needles put on my back, however once I stepped into Dr. Cecilia Gulyas office my fear had vanished I had even forgot I was afraid of a acupuncture. Dr. Cecilia Gulyas made me feel very comfortable I was also coming out of a crisis Dr. Cecilia Gulyas had realized I was very depressed and to my surprise she gave me a hug. I must say not all doctor's stop and give you a hug. I highly recommend Dr. Cecilia Gulyas. I must add I have never taken any time to complement or do a review for any doctor or of any business. Dr. Cecilia Gulyas touched my heart as a person of her practice. There for she is due a high recommendation of any one that is looking for a great person and a great acupuncturists. If there is a 5 star available for her I will rate her as a 5 star.

r.m. ramos




Mitzi W.



Excellent Treatment!

I have been working with Cecilia to get rid of uterine fibroids that the western doctors said were going to need to be surgically removed. I had fibroids the size of an 18 week pregnancy and now I am nearly fibroid free. I have been amazed by the process of working with Cecilia. She is caring and she listens and works with you to get the results you are looking for. People who have not tried herbal remedies and acupuncture should know that it is not a quick fix like western medicine. It takes time and it reveals not only the illness itself, but the underlying cause. If you are not ready to deal with why you got sick in the first place, then this will not be effective for you.

This works! And it has been around a whole lot longer than western medicine. Dr. Cecilia knows her business and has practiced for a long time and is part of a long line of practitioners. I would beware of going to someone who does not have the experience she has. She is amazing!








Herbs put me in emergency room

Although Cecilia is a nice person, the herbs did not work well with me. For those of you that are sensitive to external medications, vitamins, etc., this might not be for you! The herbs had my heart racing, made me dizzy, sweaty, weak and shaky, with heart pain. (I'm not yet 30!!) I asked Cecilia several times to not incorporate the herbs with my treatment, but each time I continued to be assured that it was part of my "condition". 

I finally wound up in the hospital due to the worsening of the conditions, to the tune of $1500! When the doctors and a cardiologist checked me out, they could not believe the mixture of things I was taking.

Unfortunately, when brought to Cecilia's attention, she still insisted that it was part of my condition!

I don't discourage acupuncture, but be wary of the herbs!







Amazing Results

I attended my first session with incredible results...Due today very hectic schedule I have had some stress and anxiety and found that I was getting sick quite often. In just the first session I felt as if the 1000 pound weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Dr. Cecilia Gulyas is an amazing doctor who takes her time and really helps you find out possible root causes to physical symptoms, and I was very surprised how she was able to pinpoint where and how the situations where coming from.

I look forward to my sessions with her.








After a hip injury sustained in an auto accident almost 5 years ago, I am finally able to live without pain and do all the activities I had previously enjoyed. I had seen a chiropractor, several specialists, had steroid injections, physical therapy, and a pile of prescriptions. I had temporary relief at best. One day during a very painful episode, I wandered in the AcuCare office. Dr. Cecilia was warm and welcoming. I had three acupuncture sessions and was given Chinese herbs to take three times a day. After the third session the Dr. told me I didn't need anymore. She was right. A year has passed and I have had no more pain in my hip. Dr. Cecilia is very knowledgeable, thorough and compassionate. I found other health and mood improving benefits resulting from the treatments. I have recommended AcuCare to many others.







A few years ago I used to believe only in traditional Western Medicine. She is a preferred provider for BCBS. Dr.Cecilia has opened my mind up to endless treatment of accupuncture. Like anyone else, I was a little hesitant a few months ago. As soon as I met her I was reassured by her professional and caring bedside manner. She did a thorough workup of my chronic conditions before we got to the acupuncture stage where she was completely reassuring and asked for my feedback every step of the way. She has me on herbal medications which she formulates for my condition. As a result of my treatment I have been able to significantly reduce my GERD medication and anti-anxiety medication. My overall chronic back pain has been greatly reduced and fatigue level impressively reduced. I would not hesitate to recommend Dr. Cecelia to anyone.







Best Care and Treatment

Excellent care and treatment. Dr. Gulyas explains treatment plan and what to expect. The services received were above exceptional and I highly recommend acupuncture treatment with Dr. Gulyas.







caring and accurate

I found the AcuCare Solutions doctor very knowledgeable about my condition which had existed for about three years without relief from my GP. Her diagnosis was correct and she treated me with herbs. Although I was skeptical I found my condition improving and best of all my severe depression left me in about a week. This was a miracle. Not only was the pain gone, but the great swelling in my feet and hands left me completely and my energy level improved so much that I am active all day now instead of taking a rest every hour or so. I have been seeing her for about six weeks and plan on continuing as I am so encouraged that even if nothing is wrong with me I want to get my whole system completely toned up. I recommend her highly.







I have received exceptional care. The Acupuncture treatments have worked to improve my overall health and the Traditional Chinese Medicine have helped to improve my quality of life.








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